newest : 2005 : 2004 : 2003 : 2002 : about : book : note : fotolog : e-mail.: my wishlist
2002-12-29 - loads of crap
2002-12-23 - tis the season to be sombre
2002-12-13 - massive update
2002-11-09 - the grim reaper awaits with food, sometimes
2002-11-07 - the ghosts of the past
2002-11-04 - a hairy issue
2002-11-04 - hello nurse!
2002-10-30 - screw the koreans
2002-10-27 - the nauces of the observer
2002-10-24 - pain
2002-10-22 - humping and thumping
2002-10-21 - lazy sunday afternoon
2002-10-18 - quizzes
2002-10-13 - a smashed playground
2002-10-13 - love is strange
2002-10-11 - jackybeagle's birthday
2002-10-06 - love test
2002-09-16 - good sunday
2002-09-14 - the fantabulous four
2002-09-13 - birthday gift woes
2002-09-12 - birthday bash!
2002-09-06 - swell eye!
2002-08-27 - too sick to write
2002-08-15 - missing bits
2002-08-15 - snappie-happie hippie and mozzies
2002-08-04 - to tell or not to tell...
2002-07-31 - my short getaway! coming soon!
2002-07-23 - i'm an anti-social bitch
2002-07-22 - the decomposing girl
2002-07-18 - dinner and decisions
2002-07-16 - cosmic mysteries
2002-07-14 - dazed and confused
2002-07-13 - misery
2002-07-11 - upside-down world
2002-07-06 - i brought my new mobile to the wedding!
2002-07-02 - encounter with the weird kind
2002-07-01 - caught in the line of fire
2002-06-29 - going cold turkey
2002-06-28 - disappearing act
2002-06-26 - queen of green goo
2002-06-25 - woozy doozy
2002-06-22 - stinkin' stinging strawmouth!
2002-06-21 - rampage of the alcoholics
2002-06-17 - see me poppin' the magic pills!
2002-06-17 - ...
2002-06-14 - me, me, me....
2002-06-14 - broke....
2002-06-13 - watching footy with the bimbos
2002-06-12 - glamming of my whine book
2002-06-12 - Visitation from Mr Sandman
2002-06-10 - And so the wiseman talks about.....
2002-06-05 - Jane Goodall We're Not
2002-06-03 - screw my kidneys
2002-05-29 - sex on the beach
2002-05-26 - moi
2002-05-26 - The Cat Diary
2002-05-23 - updates
2002-05-20 - quote
2002-05-19 - dog shit
2002-05-18 - for a good time, call...
2002-05-16 - Chocolate Muffin, My Saviour!
2002-05-15 - naked chef!!!!
2002-05-14 - email woes
2002-05-10 - Phone Lament
2002-05-09 - Online Exhibitionist, that's me
host. an inez design.