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Chocolate Muffin, My Saviour!

2002-05-16 8:40 a.m.

choc muffin and i met at a dingy indian restaurant that serves fantastic food. Had great conversation talking about books, his brother, my very idle day. he has convinced me that I need to get my shit together and go to tasmania. He's right, I can't just stay here and rot away like everyone else. I can do it. It's the fear that's holding me back. Ok, the issue of money as well.

I wonder if the person who invented money has thought about the repercussions of his invention. I mean, money is making life hell for lots of people! There're people who can't get a decent meal with the measly dollars they get from their employers, who happen to be huge corporations that surely can spare a few more quids to fill more tummies. Such a pity....

Back to me, I HAVE to be in Tasmania next year. I'm so grateful to CM for the push. He's told me stuff he normally won't tell anyone and I'm really grateful for that. Ah, he's such a great friend! I love that ol' hippie in him, makes me feel at home.

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