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massive update

2002-12-13 4:33 p.m.

I'm back from sri lanka!

well, i was back for almost a month now but there just simply wasn't time for me to key in my entries.

sri lanka was fantastic. the food, the people, the beach....

life seems idyllic and simple. i love it.

being with patrick 24hrs for 5 days was better than i thought. i was initially afraid we may get so sick of each other when we get back but the reverse was true for me.

i missed him the moment we had to leave each other...

hmmm, enough of the mush, if you wanna catch some of the pix, they're at i've left out the x-rated ones, for all you porn freaks out there, sorry!


just to update, i've started working as a vet nurse though i'm to do reception work for a while. I'm in the midst of training and things are going well.


Patrick found two kittens about a week ago and we have since named them truffle and tache.

truffle is a lil' girl who's all black and tache is a grey and white boy who's always getting into mischief.

we love them to bits especially when they seem so frail and fragile at 6 weeks.

I'm now just concerned about how we should introduce jacky and mojo to them.

i think it's going to take a while for all of them to get used to one another since they don't see one another so often.

We just have to wait till the kittens are a little older before the introduction although jacky's the one who'll be afraid of the kitties!


the reason why i can be writing this is because i'm home on sick leave. it's nice to have a lil' quiet time to o my own stuff.

it's raining outside and i'm also making a list of christmas presents.

this year's list is pathetic because i'm positively broke, so i'm not expecting fantastic gifts from my friends either.

the exception will be deb who helped me so much, ph who knows everything about me so i have to keep her mouth shut and owen who has been buying all the alkies and i feel obliged to get something nice for him and fay and of course patrick!

this year's christmas is more exciting bacause we're going down to owen's place to drink ourselves silly!

of course we'll start with dinner first...

what's to come i don't have to spell out.

this year is also exciting because many who have gone abroad to study are coming back for the hols and i miss all of them!

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