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you'd wish it's the rugby 7s

22.09.2005 11:38 pm

ok, i finally have a lil' spare time to do this. just bear with me or if you'd like to get to know me better, read on.

7 Things That Scare Me

1) ghosts and whatnots. i hate the fact that i can't see them and they can get me anytime they want to. ooooo......

2) losing my furbabies to the grim reaper.

3) losing my consciousness. please take me off the machine if i ever become a vegetable. just don't eat me. actually i'm afraid of contracting a terminal illness and being a burden to my loved ones

4) losing my conscience. i may not have morals but i sure have a conscience!

5) having friends die on me. luckily i'm still on the early segment of the life spectrum, but that part will come eventually.

6) fire. yes, fire of any size scares me and that's why all of my friends smoke and i don't. hmm, come to think of it, i don't think i should worry so much about friends dying on me because i'm probably going to die from lung cancer due to the all the smoke i inhale in

7) people losing compassion and empathy for others.

7 Things That I Like Most

1) patrick :) yeah i know he's not a thing but hey, let's not nit pick around here

2) my furbabies, although sometimes they drive me crazy

3) chilling out with a good book and good music

4) reading vogue. it gives me inmense pleasure

5) the smell of new books

6) the smell of babies' hands and feet

7) the feeling of sand under my feet

7 Important Things In My House

1) patrick and the furbabies

2) alcohol!

3) my oriental lamp. yes, i re-painted all my furniture just to match it.

4) my ipod

5) my collection of books, dvds and clothes

6) my oboe

7) cat litter!

7 Random Facts About Me

1) my right ear sticks out

2) i like to walk around the house naked and of course sleep naked. i think it may be one of the reasons why the peeping tom picked our place. there's always 2 naked people walking around.

3) i twisted my leg in a bicycle wheel when i was young. of course i also got my hand slammed by the door when i was a kid too

4) i'm an atheist

5) i prefer ice-cream in cones

6) i wanted to marry a dog when i was a kid. now i may be in danger of marrying a gorilla abeit a good looking one

7) i don't like people very much. i'd much prefer to hang out with animals or my friends

7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die

1) go to africa and hug a cheetah and i smugly announce that i'll be ticking this off my list soon. woohoo! botswana here i come!

2) to master the oboe

3) go skydiving

4) fly a plane. hmmm, this may be a tricky one. i have to check the height requirements... maybe i should learn to drive a car without killing anyone before i attempt this...

5) to own and run a self-sufficient farm with cows, sheep, goats, donkeys and horses. i'll also have my own organic garden

6) to travel round the world with the person i love

7) to save the earth from human encroachment.

7 Things You Can Do

1) i can fix household stuff. yes, i'm good with my hands

2) i'm also very good with my mouth/tongue

3) i can sing in tune

4) i can shop non-stop for at least 8 hours. bear in mind this excludes meals

5) i can out drink a man

6) i can get ready to head out for a party in 10 mins

7) i can haul goods from ikea back home all by myself without taking a cab. now, this is an acheivement

7 Things You Can�t Do

1) i can't make bake human cookies but i sure can bake the dog ones. yeah, they come out rock hard, very good for a dog's dental health

2) i can't light a lighter. go see the section on things that scare me

3) i cannot endure animal suffering. i think dealing with animal suffering on a day-to-day basis is hell.

4) i cannot walk a tightrope and juggle at the same time

5) i can't go hungry or i'll get extremely cranky. believe me, if you don't, i'm sure patrick will convince you

6) i cannot stand people who think nothing of the suffering of fellow human beings and animals.

7) i cannot bring myself to say that i like chinese nationals. yes, the people from china irk me. most of them are rude, dishonest, have no social grace and they think only about themselves. sure, most of us are quite selfish but in the above combination and you'll have one annoying s.o.b

7 People I�ll Love To See Doing This

1) jacky beagle

2) the cute hunk who smiled at me in the lift

3) bush (i'm sure that'll be a funny read but brace yourself for typos cos he's not known to be very smart. i guess we all know that)

4) hugh laurie. god, i think he's cute!

5) charles darwin

6) the future inventor of the time machine

7) an ant

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