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mary poppin's bag

03.05.2005 10:32 pm

i went bag shopping and bought myself a new tote.
i'm a tote girl.
i can never bring myself to carry a teeny weeny bag when i head out, except for the times i'm hitting the clubs.
i have too many things i need to bring along with me when i head out, even shopping, wait, esp. shopping.
first of all, i try not to take plastic bags or even paper bags for that matter so i usually need a some space for my new material gains.
then, i must bring my ipod to entertain myself when i'm in transit.
then there's the book. i always have a book in my bag, no matter what. i even bring a book when i go clubbing sometimes.
i also need space for my brolly cos the weather here suck and in case of a sudden downpour, i don't want to end up waiting for it to stop or buy a new one. believe me, there was a time when i ended up with more umbrellas than i'd like to have.
and sometimes i bring along my digital camera, just in case i spot a cute cat or dog.
did i also mention my indispensable mobile phone?
then sometimes i need to have my makeup, sketchbook, shades, stationery, lip balm, tissue, a bottle of water, my schedule book and a notebook.
see, i need a big bag.
last but none the least, there're times when i pick up kittens off the street. i do not want to spend 15 minutes looking for a box, like the time when i brought citron (my latest chaton) back. people thought i was some crazy box lady.
i'm just the bag lady actually...

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