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11.07.2005 11:48 am

i haven't been able to add an entry recently because diaryland seems pretty busy everytime i want to tell the world what i have been up to. ok, also because i have been so busy with my new job at the interior design company.
i'm still giving tuition on certain days so this holding 2 jobs thing is wearing me down. i usually come home and just black out on the bed or i'll remain awake to have dinner withpatrick and black out on the sofa, hahah...
did i also mention about having to sweep and mop the floor everyday because the amount of fur in the apartment can make up a small cat?
well, that's the story of my life now folks, so before i bore you to death, i'll write something alot more interesting the next time. then again, i had a really nice dinner with mel, the girl whom i shall start to refer to as the cat lady, hah. we spent a nice evening talking about her new egyptian boy and what else, cats. then she came over to my place to play with the cats while i tried to persuade her to take diesel the kitten. then on sun, we went to visit f and made prison jokes thoughout the evening. the prison thing is quite appalling. apparently they were not given water throughout the day and had to take water from the wc. i can't even imagine my furbabies drinking from the toilet bowl, not to mention another human being. it's just plain disgusting. i can't believe that a third world prison exists in a first world country.

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